A talk with Sharron Spice: author of the play Femmetamorphosis.

The guest of the arts and entertainment page, of Flashmag this month, is the British actress model and writer Sharron Spice, residing in London. Sharron has wrote and directed the play called Femmetamorphosis, a play that is been touring lately in London, Scotland at the Edinburgh festival, and Enfield.
Flashmag: hello Sharron we are happy to have you today as Guest?
Sharron Spice: Hello thanks you for having me
Flashmag: to start i would like to know how you come to write this play, true you were in the domain of the arts and stage already but what brought you to write Femmetamorphosis?
Sharron Spice: I was really fed up with the repetition of roles I was receiving which really didn’t show my full potential or range. So I decided to write a comedy play and then I thought it should be fun to have a purpose, and get somewhere, as many people write plays and have a few shows and that is it… it took me a long time to write it so I want it to have longevity and get somewhere.
Flashmag: What is the main story behind this play? For sure the title means normally it concerns women metamorphosis what type of metamorphosis it deal with?
Sharron Spice: FEMMETAMORPHOSIS is the gradual female change and the journey of the female characters within the play. Especially on the character who has a major change after being dumped by her boyfriend. It's about women from all walks of life coming together to empower, raise self-esteem and bring confidence.
Flashmag: while working on the casting was it easy for you to find actors and actress to play the roles? How was the casting done?
Sharron Spice: I have worked with a fair few actors and actresses, initially I contacted them, explained the project and they were happy to come on board. I also put out casting adverts on social media and was inundated, but it was hard to actually find black actors and actresses, but we got there in the end.
Flashmag: So far you’ve been London, Scotland, Edinburg, and Enfield, how was the public reception of this play?
Sharron Spice: London was great because it's a diverse mix of cultures

peoples got it straight away and Enfield too, they really enjoyed. The Edinburgh Festival with over 5000 different actors, with an audience which is in majority Caucasian was challenging, but overall I am really happy how it has been received. The one that sticks out is when the audience always explains that they did not know what to expect and that it is different. And it’s a real reflection of life
Flashmag: Talking about being black and play writer, how do you feel? how do you expect to mark you print in this venture? Any example that inspired you to go in that direction or it was you inner desire just to shout to the world and say what you needed to say?
Sharron Spice: I've always regarded myself as an actress first and foremost and writing didn't come into it, although I had wrote a play with a youth group which was well received. I was desperate for my talents to be seen, that’s how the play came about. It so hard to make your talented presence felt here in the UK, you have to go over and beyond before you get noticed, hence that’s why unfortunately a lot of talents go to Los Angeles where there is more opportunities.
Flashmag: i believe the conservative UK are still not ready to have some big talents from the black diaspora but a lot of British actors from the black diaspora have shown so far that they have talent and deserve a better place though , here in the USA some are doing pretty well have you thought about coming to America too?
Sharron Spice: Yes I have my sights firmly on visiting and I’ m aware pilot season will be upon us shortly and sadly I can't make it, but probably next year if I'm being realistic, I would love my play to be picked up and I have been checking out theatres in New York seeking new writing talent, so who knows what can happen.
Flashmag: How do you expect your play to impact people men and women?
Sharron Spice: It questions relationships and every day dilemmas married peoples and single peoples face. It's a feel good factor comedy with a positive message.
Flashmag: What is the program of the play for the near future if you have to say a last thing about it to the public what would you say?
Sharron Spice: I would tell them if you like a good fun comedy with farce with some different characters who you can relate to, this play is for you. The reviews have been marvelous and we have already scheduled shows for next year, we have dates in March, April July and August 2016 with some other dates to follow. All the information is on our Facebook page and updates on Twitter.
Flashmag: Sharron Flashmag and its readership thank you for this open talk all the best for the rest
Sharron Spice: Many thanks Seasons Greetings to all.

Interview realized by Hubert Marlin