Transhumanism & Dehumanization What will humanity become when machines do everything?
Daniel Godin said in 1989 that technology is a fabulous thing that makes the person boring. It might be time to revisit the postulate of the French writer admitting that technology won’t need men who doomed to the bickering of uselessness will make them obsolete in the high-tech world. Robotics and the artificial intelligence that is the soul that underlies it, have begun the real and almost irreversible decline of humanity. The usefulness and the pleasure of technology have given way to hybridization, a kind of transhumanism that aims to make humans more efficient in everyday life. However, it should be noted that hybridization is a transitional technology, which implies that the hybridization of humanity by robotization, involves the transition to a world of machines where the human will have very little to do by the time that even the regulation of machines will be done by other machines. The current hybrid phase dominated by the control of humans on machines to which they give orders to carry out specific tasks, will be gone in the near future.
The era of machine autonomy by revolutionary techniques such as deep learning ( deep learning, structured learning, or hierarchical learning is a set of automatic learning methods attempting to model with a high level of abstraction of data through articulated architectures of different nonlinear transformations) are making convincing progress. So, it is legitimate to ask the question: “ what will humans do when robots do all the work that for millennia has been the basis of the social fabric?” Because the job has always given a certain identity to the man, identity which has often allowed humans to give some meaning to their lives. The social stature defined by the profession gives importance to men, while proving their impact on society, if the vocation raised often helps to give character to individuals what will happen when one will have more needs of to be a firefighter, to save lives and to feel useful to society?
The emptiness of mankind by technology is barely tackled by the global intelligentsia, which, alas, is increasingly subject to the dictates of the oligarchy that produces the technology. In a kind of utilitarian perversion some contemporary thinkers by currents such as transhumanism, have become advocates of consumerism the oligarchy's slot machine. “Transhumanism is a philosophical doctrine that claims that it is possible to improve humanity through science and technology. It aims to liberate the human from its biological limits, overcoming the natural evolution. Man could be freed from the constraints of nature, such as illness, old age or death.” However, the exorbitant cost of these technologies, allows their exclusive access to a certain elite. Also, the idea of transhumanism is strictly linked to eugenics and elitism. Ideologies that do not shine by their racist and sectarian character. Why would some people have the right to live longer, when others who are less affluent would not have that right? The unequal distribution of technological progress on the whole globe also obeys this elitist logic, which in the long run would facilitate the survival of a certain caste of individuals against another.At the very least, it is obvious that the robotic world of tomorrow will have first facilitated the numeral fall of humanity, in a classic scheme of plunder and slow death. While the populations of the southern hemisphere are the first suppliers of the raw materials necessary for the manufacture of machines, they see their biotope devastated. Beyond the diseases derived from these savage exploitations of the mining resources and the famine, caused by the destruction of the arable lands by the exploitative industry, the fratricidal proxy wars sponsored by the West will only continue to create chaos in the population of these countries.
Humanoid robotics, the crucible of transhumanism, is revolutionizing the principle of prosthesis, with the concept of the exoskeleton, which makes it possible to extend the motor capacities of man for both medical and professional purposes. With transhumanism, man would be able to intervene technically on his own evolution, not only at the level of the individual, but also at that of the species. This implies that in the long run transhumanism as hybridization aims to create a new species of individuals who are no longer really human. A species that would be better able to live in a world devastated by complete machination. Apart from the motor faculties, genetic engineering assisted by artificial intelligence also contributes to the creation of a "superior human race" terms that have often been heard in Nazi Germany, which today does not seem to worry anyone, since technology benefits from an image of good for all, in the psyche of human society.
In chemistry, the machine learning programs (deep learning, mentioned above), help in the design of new molecules. The scientific robot combines the automation of laboratories at high speed , for DNA sequencing and the search for new drugs, with the screening technique. By analyzing all these data, the computer can give scientific hypotheses. By combining these techniques, the scientific computer can automate all scientific procedures: formulate hypotheses, design and perform experiments, test them, interpret the results and start the cycle again until new knowledge is found. Similarly, computers whose computing power will be increased to almost the infinite, with quantum technology will now be able to sequence human DNA and modify it according to the minds of those who control them; creating a new species that would only be human by name. Cobotics, like hybridization, is also transitional; because it applies rather the principle of partnership between humans and machines. An application that has allowed the evolution of man since the invention of tools to cultivate fields. However, despite the fact that proponents of cobotics insist on the continued presence of humans alongside robots, electronics and computers allow robots to perform more and more complex tasks, with more and more autonomy, and more and more quickly. Which for the logical observer, suggests the end of workmanship; since the craft, the essential foundation of human society would be by then the prerogative of machines.The idea of replacing humans with machines is often the subject of sensational statements. A study, led by Katja Grace of the Future of Humanity Institute in Oxford, throws a real dent in the pie. Nearly 350 experts in artificial intelligence (AI) were asked about the time it would take for machines to master positions and tasks currently assigned to humans. According to their estimates, artificial intelligences will be able to surpass humans in some areas in the next decade.Language translators thus have to be ready for 2024, truck drivers by 2027. Journalists and researchers can also trigger the countdown: the full artificial ability to write a quality test is scheduled for 2026. Vendors will stand for their share up to 2030. All areas combined, it will take according to the researchers to prepare for 2061, where artificial intelligences have a chance in two to be able to surpass humans for just about any task. And critics are also shouting in high-tech circles as Elon Musk SpaceX's chief technology officer and Tesla CEO says, "We risk doing something really crazy about it." It's like summoning the demon without being protected by a hermetic circle. "For him, there must be a regulatory control of Artificial Intelligence, because we can quickly be overwhelmed.The death industry is not left out in critical debates. Also, thousands of scientists signed a petition in 2015 at the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) in Buenos Aires.Scientists warned against "killer robots" Like drones. "Autonomous weapons choose and strike targets without human intervention. They have been described as the third revolution in the practice of war, after gunpowder and nuclear weapons "The physicist Stephen Hawking assured in an interview with the BBC, that although the primitive forms of artificial intelligence developed so far have proved very useful, it was now necessary to fear that machines outnumber humans. For the deceased scientist, the AI "could end up becoming autonomous, and very quickly.
Humans, constrained by their slow biological evolution, could not follow. " An event that supports this assertion came in 2017 in Facebook's artificial intelligence labs where robots created their own language that was absolutely indecipherable by humans, the company based in Palo Alto, California, which was experimenting with robotic dialogue had to disconnect those computers that were getting out of control. Moreover, the future of humanity will certainly depend on technology and it is the least that can be said. Also, the influence of the latter will have crucial consequences on humanity as we know it today. If robots will do everything man does, including love, there is reason to believe that in an environment where its utility will become optional, human beings will try to find other areas to care for . A task that will be very difficult, after decades, even centuries of weakening by the substitution of robots and artificial intelligence. Alfred de Vigny said the work keeps away from us 3 great evils, the trouble, the need, and the vice. If needs can be met by those who can afford machinery, the trouble and vice resulting from idleness, eventually will create serious social problems, which may even spell the end of humanity. In any case, it is certain that the world population will decline, with technology expansion. In all human societies, technological progress has always been a guarantee of a decline in the birth rate, even though science often helps to extend life expectancy.If God created man and became that invisible entity that remains very present in the subconscious of humans. It is normal to think that the man imitating God created the machine and would become invisible as well . However, it remains to be seen if the machines will have the memory of their creators when they have disappeared. A polluted and nonviable planet for the human and animal species could well be the last landmark of machines in memory of humanity and the world it has destroyed. Read more at
By Hubert Marlin