For the West, dictatorships are more profitable than democracies.
Dictatorships no longer present themselves, as an integral part of contemporary history, often blossoming with tyranny which is the extreme influence of a person or a group of people on the life of a nation, dictatorships are therefore in general tyrannies or autocratic regimes that dictate their views if we stick to the etymological sense because the power is held by a person or a group of people who exercise it without control.
If absolute power, absolutely corrupts, sociologists have not yet agreed about if the power or the persons who exercise power are the leading vectors in the corruption of nations. It is nevertheless important to emphasize that dictatorships were not always negative, because they were born of an exceptional regime in ancient Rome to respond to exceptional circumstances. It thus intervened in cases of vacancy of central power, troubles in the apparatus of succession at the head of the empire, when social economic instability demanded that a magistrate be elected by the citizens. The latter was given full powers to dispatch current affairs, and to restore the stability of the Roman Republic as soon as possible. Also in Rome unlike the magistrates of today who deal only with justice, the Roman magistrate (magistratus in Latin) was an elected citizen. At the dawn of the republic they were patricians, namely citizens who belonged, by their birth, to the ancient and traditional upper class, and by this rank they held various political and religious prerogatives. The class of patricians was distinguished in Rome from the rest of the so-called plebeian population, which itself, was distinct from that of the slaves. However from 366 BC. The plebeians will also be deemed worthy to perform these executive, legislative, and judicial functions, together or separately.
Also, if we can understand that dictatorships, have often emerged from chaos, to establish a certain order, we must not deny that modern dictatorship is, and has always been a vector of chaos. Because the minority who arrogates all the powers, always makes the majority suffer in the exercise of a dictatorial mandates. Even within the framework of the populist dictatorships, there is always a majority which undergoes.
Conspiracy theorists abound in the notion of controlled chaos, which would be the main tool of the international politics of Western democracies, especially in their relations with the countries of the South. It is easy to understand that the southern countries living in an environment of economic and political pressures, are wavering in a situation of perpetual urgency, a situation of unlimited urgency that should justify timeless dictatorships, to quickly put countries back on tracks. However, a perpetual crisis is no longer a random accident, in the history of a nation. A problem that one would solve by applying the rule that states that exceptional circumstances, request exceptional solutions. Under the tropics, the crisis is not the exception; it is the rule and it’s systemic.
Where the dictatorship was to be enlightened by the simple rules of the common welfare, such as justice and freedom, one can witness the birth and perpetuation of the bellicose and bloodthirsty dictatorships that base their social project on corruption, nepotism, arbitrariness and all kinds of influence peddling that perpetuate the situation of chaos. In countries that need a system, that would guarantee social justice as soon as possible, it is rather the social slump which is often established in the population, with its cohort of physical and psychological repressions on peoples.
The temporary takeover by the military juntas, as in Zimbabwe in November 2017, normally follows the logic that would force as soon as possible, the return to full compliance with the fundamental law of a country that would have been flouted by rogue governors. As the secular arm of the law, that guarantees the justice and welfare of all citizens, the army and the police, can intervene to impose a return to constitutional order, by exercising dictatorial power to influence justice and the good common, for a limited time. This has always been, alas, the principle that has nevertheless propelled several countries, into the cyclone of tyranny, instead of taking them out.
Dictatorships like that of Cameroon, or Algeria, which has since flouted the constitutional law, with presidents who have arrogated to themselves substantial powers by destroying legal provisions such as those that limit the mandates, or that would allow an effective decentralization of the system of governance, normally should be exposed to military, or popular revolts, that should force the application of the fundamental law. Alas the supporters of power, both in Yaoundé and in Algiers have managed to stay in power by corrupting the armies that support them to the detriment of the people. They use violent methods, flouting universal values with impunity, instituting kleptomania, barbarism and racketeering as preponderant values. Manipulating, the people by misery, imposing a system of horror that feeds on resentment, jealousy, tribalism and mistrust. Thus, annihilating any sense of belonging to a common project.
In the hands of dictators, nations like the ones of Latin America, or of Africa south of the Sahara are non-states whose bankruptcy is programmed, surely, in the logic of neocolonialism that the mafia regents who sow the wind, predict the storm that usually sweeps them as well, creating miseries and immeasurable suffering to their people who when hoping for heaven through change, are generally fooled by velvet dictatorships, even more intertwined with the pattern of Western domination as Ivory Coast, under Alassane Ouattara.
The prevalence of coups d’état in so-called third world countries, is closely linked to the influence of Western democracies. When the promotion of democracy itself is often a vector of coup d’état, one finds itself in a situation where the democratic rules of justice, liberty, and equality of all before the law, are only a screen for more zany agendas. The changes of the regimes in the southern countries, are valid only if they generally serve the interests of the Western powers.
As for the United States pillar of Western democracies, the facts of war are most damning, when it comes to the support of dictatorships. The country of the braves during the 60s, 70s and 80s supported without flaws, bloody dictatorships like those in Latin America, With Augusto Pinochet in Chile, or Peron in Argentina. In Africa, Mobutu in Congo, or the South African Republic under the apartheid regime. Invoking the fear of communism, which had to be countered at all costs, including by allying themselves with the most infamous dictators.
The reality remains ubiquitous. Despite the fall of the USSR and the end of the cold war if appearances are polished, for the needs of the propagandist cause, basically nothing has changed. The United States and its allies in the Western bloc, beyond democracy lip service continue to embrace dictatorial regimes like Saudi Arabia. American sources prove it very amply. According to Freedom House's political rights assessment system, an organization that proselytizes western democracy around the world, in 2015 there were 49 nations in the world, which could easily be categorized as "dictatorships". Since fiscal year 2015, the last year that data of this kind were made public, the US federal government provided military assistance to 36 of these countries. This implies that the United States currently support more than 73 percent of dictatorships in the world. A fact that proves the ambiguity of American politics, and gives a clear picture of its true goals that are far removed from the justice and freedom of peoples.
As Rich Whitney, stated, "The United States is providing tens of billions of dollars in military aid to the beheading capital of the world, the misogynist monarchy of Saudi Arabia and the repressive military dictatorship currently in power in Egypt”. The petrodollars, that since the 1970s allow a semblance of stability to the US currency, which is no longer based on the gold standard, but has the exclusivity on the exchange in the oil market to make this paper printed at will, a valid currency , are more important than the lives of some veiled women, or supposed thieves mutilated or beheaded after expeditious processes.
The choice of dictatorial regimes was often heard as a measure that allowed to lobby the interests of the United States. Interests that are far removed from the libertarian and egalitarian propaganda, because the dictatorial regimes have a dual use.
Primo dictators in power in Africa for example can impose on their people, measures, that are not in the interest of the latter, but of the Western powers, as was the case with the exchange partnership agreement between the European Union and Africa, which was the prerequisite for an invitation to the 2016 US-Africa summit. Barack Obama has made it clear that presidents who dared to refuse to ratify this treaty, could put a cross on this rendezvous of humiliation between Africa and the United States.
The treaty worded piously, partnership for exchange agreement is in fact the consecration of relations of subordination that perpetuates the doldrums of African populations. The treaty was ratified just before the summit by dictatorial regimes like that of Paul Biya in Cameroon, without giving the parliament time to comment on the substance. A parliament that is meanwhile largely acquired to the cause of the party in power, that usually wins elections, using the prerogatives of dictatorial regimes that are the corruption of consciences and intimidation.
From a second point of view, the existence of dictatorial regimes allows Westerners to wash their hands every time, by bringing down a tyrant who will have served them, they generally try to redeem themselves a conscience to continue the cycle of Infamy, favoring the election at strategic positions of their puppets.
Dictatorships in this sense expand the range of instruments of political influence of the West. democratic regimes generally involve complicated public procedures and serious restrictions, which do not allow peddling of influence , which seems to be the essential tool of international politics of Western countries towards those of the southern hemisphere. A country with fair and strong institutions that would guarantee the social, economic, political and cultural well-being of its peoples would be a factor in the destruction of the mafia-like links, that unite the political power in the tropics, and the Western democracies which are in their turn held by the industrial oligarchy, which often has big interests in the tropics. These unfair interests maximize its profits, that it cannot safeguard in a transparent and fair society.
Some examples in contemporary history prove the ambivalence of official discourse and the reality of facts, that varies according to the mood of the capitalist interests of the West.
The Americans, for example, supported Saddam Hussein in his war against Iran, to hang him a few decades later under a false war. Similarly, the United States supported the dictatorial regime of Trujillo in the Dominican Republic. However, this politician notorious for his genocide against tens of thousands of Haitian immigrants in his country has caused domestic and external problems so serious that the US authorities have understood the absurdity of their project.
Making no offense, speaking of the Somoza dynasty that ruled Nicaragua from the 1930s to the 1970s, Delano Roosevelt, Harry Truman and Richard Nixon said to whoever wanted to hear, that they were bastards, but at least they were their own bastards.
In Africa Teodoro Obiang Nguema, President of Equatorial Guinea, has been in power since 1979, with the active complicity of American diplomats and businessmen. Equatorial Guinea is Africa's fourth largest oil exporter, thanks in part to investments by American companies like, Chevron, Marathon Oil and Noble Energy. Press dispatches and the reports of non-governmental organizations on the serious violation of human rights and the dictatorial nature of the Malabo regime have not tempered the ardor of businessmen and the American government, which continues to collaborate in the training of the Equatorial-Guinean troops as well as that of the no less dictatorial neighbor Paul Biya of Cameroon.
A private American company, Military Professional Resources Inc., led by a close friend of Donald Rumsfeld and benefiting from "strong links with the Pentagon" holds a $ 250 million contract to provide maritime security for the Obiang regime, and train police forces. Until recently, a former Bill Clinton advisor, Lanny J. Davis, also had a $ 1 million a year contract to help President Obiang polish his image.
As can be seen both the influential members of the Republican Party and Democrats, are pegging in the petty negro bourgeoisie of the Gulf of Guinea.
Beyond the United States, France has been infamous in Africa in the concept of fright consecrated by the sacrosanct expression “France-Afrique”, a nebula which the darkness is matched only by the opacity of control of its interests in the exploitation of raw materials such as oil and the plethora of other mineral resources that abound in African subsoils. The France-Afrique has been lethal in the preservation of its interests. Using the influence of sectarian circles, such as the Rose Croix or the Freemasonry, to make and break the quarries, assassinating overtly and overthrowing regimes that were not willing to submit to its egregious agenda, while often cynically evoking the fall of recalcitrant dictators, to their lack of justice and good governance, whereas justice and good governance should first apply in the odious relations maintained by France with its former colony. Nearly 60 years after their independence, much of the so-called French-speaking Africa continues to pay a colonial tax to France in a Machiavellian mechanism that makes their currency, the CFA Franc a tool of impoverishment and degradation. Since 1949 these countries have printed their currency in France and especially they are forced to deposit half of their assets in a French treasury account that uses this money not to guarantee the stability of the African economies of the CFA zone but rather to its own purposes. France manipulates the CFA franc, which it uses as a binary currency, namely a non-convertible currency on the international market which serves to keep inflation rates low for another main currency, in this case the Euro used by the metropolitan France.
Also when the economic situation becomes difficult, France can unilaterally decide on the devaluation of its binary currency which is the CFA Franc as it was the case in 1994. According to some sources in the manipulation of the CFA Franc, France recover no less than 400 billion Euro per year in the franc zone. A bleeding that can only favor misery in the tropics. In a situation like this, France can only support the dictators who better protect its interests, because a truly transparent and democratic regime that works for the good of its people would destroy all the caciques acts of the colonial pact, that continue to give France a certain aura in the tropics, and in the concert of Western nations.
Besides, it is easy to understand that true democracy in the tropics is a danger to Western mercantile interests, when its evocation is simply a tool of the obnoxious lobbies of Western powers. The language of ambivalence only serves propaganda and grants the West a speculative right to intervene in any tropical republic, to change the dictatorial regimes that sometimes by their extreme villainy, can reflect the ugly face of the West, which brought them to business. the tropical kings who want to leave a positive image of their reign, or who understand that to stay in power something need to be done for the people, often succumb to the refusal to continue to obey their Western masters, when they are not simply sacrificed on the altar of the larger agendas like Africa without Africans, which seems to be on the horizon with rebellious, terrorist and secessionist movements that seem to have taken root all over the African continent. It is no longer risky to think that democracy is imposed on Africans for better control their freedom, and the freedom controlled is only slavery. If African countries were to democratize themselves as they wished, they would understand the legitimacy of the rejection of Western interference in their internal affairs, and therefore break the relations of subordination that enslave the peoples of the so-called third world. The so-called aid or assistance of the west toward the third world is simply foremen of slave plantation doing their chores to maintain the system.
Hubert Marlin E. Jr