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Capitalism, populism, terrorism, lethal allies of coups d'état

In politics, one can never state enough that It is the formula that works that counts. So, capitalism has always been socializing itself to snatch power and try to conserve it against the winds and tides. The Western bourgeoisie, which took power by bringing down the monarchies, kept good habits. Speculate on the legitimate aspirations of freedom of the people to control the political power and manage the affairs of the city. A management that brings the greatest privileges in the social structure of nations. It is in this manipulative illusion that Western democracy was created and it will keep this original sin until the 21st century.

Since the French and American revolutions which date from more than 2 centuries it is the same political class which is ruling, exploiting the legitimate demands of the people. This cast has achieved the feat to guillotine and pass under the riddle, crowned heads, to reach its objective. If some often talk about the Enarques (higher education schools for elites) in France, in the United States they often talk about graduates of the Ivy League college. Together this groups form a bourgeois political class which in fact behind the scenes is often affiliated with secret societies that compose the true clergy, or egregore that rule Western politics. As in the days of the omnipotence of the Catholic Church's interference in politics, Western leaders in general do not succeed in their political career, without an initiation into the mysteries of these very rigid secret organizations. A situation that adds to the spinning of the clamored ideals, since, a political power based on sectarianism, will never be democratic.

The ambivalence of the approach of the Western bourgeois class reached its climax, with the arrival in power of a member of the upper bourgeoisie in France, in the person of Napoleon Bonaparte. The first ruler to work openly on the construction of a new world order, with racist and slavery-like relent, for he re-established slavery. It can be said without laughing that the French took out the head of a King to crown an emperor. A scandal, if one recalls the struggle of the third states against the bourgeoisie, the aristocracy and the corrupt monarchy. And worse when one looks at the history of the two nations champions of the free world one asks the question of, how one freed itself from the yoke of the British crown in America while the other took the bastille guillotining King and aristocrats without releasing from the shackles of servitude millions of Africans? The reality is that democratic rules in general apply only among the members of the Western political class who have understood that to safeguard their hold they should not make war among themselves unnecessarily, while in the rest of the world, Democracy is only a tool of pressure that serves geostrategic agendas. Whenever, while the West wish to have ratification of treaties and agreements, which gave it a certain clout in the so-called third-world countries, like the one on the EPAs, it rely on a political class which it classifies as corrupt, to realize it designs. Refusing any idea of ​​referendum, or popular democracy to pass or reject these laws. Populist nationalism is generally an enemy it fights ardently, for it is not good for business.

After a brief glance into the history of the revolutions of 1776 in the United States and 1789 in France, it would not be ill-intentioned to say that the populace of the third estate, which was not equipped enough to direct these countries, saw its glory and future stolen by a class that had already exploited it slavishly. The pattern of manipulation of the masses for selfish agendas of a caste of profiteers will repeat itself over time, with an unstoppable acuteness.

In the same way, when the Americans got rid of the kingdom of England in 1776, they laid the foundations for the creation of their empire, a paradigm that would take shape over the years without ever naming itself, but taking seductive names like Globalization or new world order.

If one really wants to make the effort to understand, populism, is the most usual tool when it comes to making blows against powers in place. The first populist coup in modern history took place in Iran between 15 and 19 August 1953 with Operation Ajax fomented by American and English spy agencies. The CIA, and the MI5. The arrival of new prime minister Mohamed Mossadegh, with his nationalist reforms, undermined the interests of Western capitalists. The latter decided to react to bring down the Iranian prime minister and have him replaced by an army general, Fazlollah Zahedi, more inclined to obey the Western injunctions. The AJAX plan was approved by British Prime Minister Winston Churchill on July 1, 1953, and by the President of the United States Dwight D. Eisenhower on July 11, 1953. The two governments provided a budget of $ 284,000, the United States $ 147,000 and Great Britain $ 137,000. The plan was supported by many contributors, prominent members of the clergy, Iranian parliamentarians and the unpopular Shah, who had been unable to overthrow the prime minister by a decree as hoped by his Western sponsors. Unable to apply this decree by a failed coup in parliament the Shah of Iran will prefer to leave the country. The American and British networks will bribe the army of General Fazlollah Zahedi and the clergy, led by the Great Ayatollah Hossein Boroudjerdi. Massive western-sponsored pro-Shah demonstrations will take place across the country, and eventually the blockade will lead to the fall of Mossadegh, who will resign on August 19, 1953, handing power to Zahedi, who will become Prime Minister, helping thus the return of the Shah to Iran on August 22, 1953. The gambit had marched.

Years later the same stratagem will be put back on the menu of the day with the same venal acuity. The colorful and flowery revolutions of the Eastern European countries financed by the United States, and the Arab Spring openly bear the stamp of the Western modus operandi. Use noble ideas for more shady goals. And logically when one complains about the marasmus situation in some countries, which ideally finds a legitimate basis for the popular uprising, it is soon forgotten that the management of world affairs since the end of the Second World War, is Largely attributable to the western bloc which has since installed regents who work for their system of spoliation and unfairness.

Also in Africa, for example, it is fallacious to boast of having helped to bring down President Mobutu of Zaire while he was at the base installed after the assassination commissioned by the same Western forces of a progressive Democrat like, Patrice Emery Lumumba. Mobutu's successor, Laurent Désiré Kabila installed by Western forces himself, will not survive, once he embarks on a program of nationalization of the mining wealth of the country.

Beyond the liberal and democrat visions and beyond the Atlantic model that would be the panacea miracle to all evils. The increased presence of the United States on the outskirts of Russia is not democratic, it does not cover up the expansionist agenda of the Atlanticist Empire, which promotes democracy and individual liberty, to cover its Hegemonic agendas. The profile of those who led the revolutions to the East, betrays who is behind the regime changes in Ukraine in Georgia and Kyrgyzstan. In 18 months Russia lost three key allies. In 2003 Mikhail Saakashvili, a thirty-year-old graduate of Harvard, reputed pro-Western, managed to realize a feat. Mobilizing a part of the opposition, he managed to muzzle the veteran of the former USSR Edouard Shevardnadze. In January 2004, it will be the turn of Ukraine. Viktor Lukashenko, deputy of the president in office, and pro-western, he will resort to a popular coup to get rid of Viktor Yanukovych. In March 2005, the tulip revolution in Kyrgyzstan closes the earthquake loop, in the pro-Russian republics of Eastern Europe. The Kremlin now feels besieged in its gardens while in Moscow the streets will also scold against a possible re-election of Vladimir Putin who by a smart turn of pass will place in power its Prime Minister Dimitri Medvedev, more prone to the market economy and neo-liberalism. These acquaintances of Dimitri Medvedev will help to bring down Libya because at the height of the Libyan crisis most of the political power was in the hands of the lieutenant of Vladimir. who had priorities other than safeguarding former allies like Colonel Muammar Gaddafi. Fueled by economic pressures such as Russia's accession to the WTO and the security crisis in South Ossetia, he had a choice to make, safeguarding the interests of Russia first.

It’s trivial to think that it’s merely due to a matter of chance, that Russia, the main enemy of the Atlantic axis, faced the major assets of the international policy of the Atlanticist axis, as terrorism with the extremists of South Ossetia, and the attempts of the Populist revolutions, and economic pressures including embargoes.

In Lebanon in February 2005 the terror killing of Rafik Hariri, the Lebanese prime minister, will redistribute maps that raise specific questions. Who took advantage of the death of the politician billionaire? And who financed the cedar revolution that saw the end of the occupation of the country by the Syrian troops, and especially a war of the Israeli army Against Iranian Hezbollah?

The pattern of remodeling Middle East policy for capitalist interests is the main reason for the war in Syria. Democracy and terrorism are the tandem that justifies the presence of Western troops in the region. One cannot fight a regime that grants freedoms to minority heteroclite groups like druids, Coptic Christians and Maronite Catholics with fundamentalist terrorists and dare to talk about democracy.

The asymmetrical war and its secular arm, terrorism, has helped to overthrow regimes even in the West by manipulating the masses through social engineering. One of the first victims of manipulative terrorism in the West was Jimmy Carter who lost the election after the hostage-taking incident at the US Embassy in Teheran in 1979 and the seizure of power by the Islamic populism of Ayatollah Khomeini, a feat that would never have been possible without the help of the secret services of France where the ayatollah resided during his exile. Too lukewarm, Jimmy Carter, a pastor, was not in step with the US warmongering and imperialist visions, and it was necessary to find him a replacement. From November 4, 1979 to January 20, 1981, 53 diplomats and American citizens will be held hostage by the ayatollah's faithful and will only be curiously released a few minutes before the investiture of the new Republican President Ronald Reagan. Throughout the election year, outgoing president Carter will suffer setbacks related to this crisis, such as the crushing failure of Operation Eagle Claw, which aimed to free the hostages. Eight American soldiers died after an accident between two aircrafts during the operation, running away from the fiasco scene, compromising documents will be left behind by CIA agents. A fiasco that devoted to electoral grievances the Carter administration. Curiously, the American hostages will only be released a few hours before Ronald Reagan is sworn in.

More recently in France the frenzied quinquennium of Francois Hollande with its hundreds of terrorist deaths on French soil, beyond the internecine quarrels and the sclerosis of cancer that is the Western political class, served only to kill the Socialist ideals which nevertheless remain an enemy of imperial capitalism, represented by the new French president. In Africa, terrorism and populism which has been successfully used deathly in Libya remain a lethal weapon, when one knows that in a country like Cameroon, which has been crippled for more than three decades by bad management, the legitimate demands of the people, runs the risk of being embalmed by a caste of demagogues in the pay of the interests of imperial capitalism, in a context where in backdrop, terrorism, with the security crisis that is raging In the north of the country, can only make things worse. The same goes for Mali, which has recently seen a most delicate political situation, where populist manifestations against President Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta's constitutional reform project, intervene in a country that has been facing terrorism for years and has the presence of foreign forces on its territory. In Mali, as elsewhere in the third world it is the capture by the Western powers of regions rich in oil and minerals that forces the asymmetrical war that undergo countries.

Hubert Marlin


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