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Nadège Beausson Diagne Prominent Actress


The guest star of Flashmag this month is a beautiful lady of the cinema. Nadège Beausson-Diagne is a talented French actress, writer and singer confirmed. In these few lines she speaks with no retinue about her passions, she gives us her opinion in matters relating to her profession and her personality, in an exclusive interview given to our editors for the happiness of the public and her many admirers.

Flashmag:hello, thanks to receive us can Nadege is Beausson-Diagne present herself to the public? Who is she her background, and origins?

Nadège Beauson Diagne: hello I’m happy to be yours today… I am an actress, Ivorian / Brittany by my mother and Senegalese by my father. I was born and raised in Paris

Flashmag:how did you embrace the acting career, what inspired you this choice?

Nadège Beauson Diagne: From the age of 10 I knew I wanted to be an actress it was a passion before everything. I had my first heart break for movies and especially the theater by discovering the beautiful texts of the French repertoire. First I loved the words.

Flashmag: What are the famous actors that have inspired you, what movies marked you in the genesis of your career?

Nadège Beauson Diagne:My favorite movie is "All about Eve" of Mankiewiech. I have no "models" but I love Bette Davis, Angela Bassett, CCH Pounder, and Glenn Close…

Flashmag:Can you tell us what your feelings were when you first climbed the stage, for the realization of play or movie casting what memories do you keep from this first experience

Nadège Beauson Diagne:My first emotion when I got on the stage was a revelation, as if it was there that my real life was. For the film it was when I shot for the first time in Gabon in Africa I had the biggest shock of my life. I was discovering my African motherland I meet people who became friends, a new family. I love the theater, but I need that adrenaline, that provides a film making, a team work.

Flashmag: Since 1997 you have appeared in over thirty films (big screen & TV) and plays like “la femme fantome “(the woman ghost) of Michael Batz (2003) where, you proved how a sublime actress you’re by playing several roles at once, how do you explain this constancy?

Nadège Beauson Diagne:I had many chances in my career! I appreciate that! In the cinema I met great directors who trusted me and were able to go beyond my color, by offering me roles in relation to my personality. As for the play the "ghost woman" it is my best artistic experience to date. I was happy to give shape and voice to these 35 characters, but I mostly liked to tell the story of those people without papers that seek political asylum because they have death threats in their countries of origins. It’s also the reason why I do this job, to give a political message, and try in my modest way to alleviate the ills of our society.

Flashmag: with African roots we saw you play in films directed by African’s filmmakers notably in 2002 “les coquilles de l’elephant” (The balls of the elephant)" of Henri Joseph Koumba Bididi, "The silence of the forest" of Ba Basseck Kobhio and Didier Ouenangare. What impressions do you have about this incursion into the African cinema? A return to your sources?

Nadège Beauson Diagne:African cinema is a priority for me, I feel deeply African, but also because it’s where they gave me the best roles. I do not have to justify anything if I’ am, Gabonese a Burkinabe or a Central African it doesn’t matter; I am a multitude, whereas in France if they decide to give me a role most of the time someone has to say - "Yes but why a black woman? Again in 2011!!! I love the African cinema and I am very devoted to it!

Flashmag: as an actress of African descent living in France is it not, a bit complicated for you to find a place in this macho world, and racially complex? How do you make it happen? It is still dazzles us when we see what you have achieved so far?

Nadège Beauson Diagne:I do not apologize for who I am and I especially rush! I know I have things to bring to people and today of course I write and I'll realize my projects, I will also make my album! I take the power!

Flashmag:your opinion on the controversy of the film “case depart” (square one)? As a black actress did you ever felt under-rated or misused by the directors, to give a negative image of Africans and African descendants? Would you play any role, immoral, or else where do not fit with your philosophy of your craft and life?

Nadège Beauson Diagne:I didn’t like “Case depart” (square one), for artistic issues. I think we can laugh about everything, but with skill and panache. I have already said no to projects that were too “caricatured” of course it is time to grow and respect each other. But again I will not apologize or say yes to everything because I am a small black woman! No I have ethics and I do not want to work with people with poor attitude, or racist, I know who I am!

Flashmag:what do you think of the African cinema and the role of blacks in the film industry in general, both in Europe and America?

Nadège Beauson Diagne: The African cinema is booming; it must be given the technical and financial resources to continue to evolve. But there are plenty of talented young directors in our continent. As for the role of black actors in Europe and America is not at all the same. This is a problem of history and in America there are quotas! In France people are not ready!

Flashmag: In 2007 you were part of the cast of global success, “Bienvenue chez les ch’tis” (Welcome to the ch’tis) by Dany Boon's can you tell us something about your role in this masterpiece and why this film had so much success?

Nadège Beauson Diagne:I played a small role in "bienvenue chez les ch’tis" a blink of an eye because Danny had loved me in "Podium" The film's success is due to the generosity of its author and its actors ! For once a film in France is focused in ordinary people, neither beautiful nor ugly and above all who have problems of ordinary people. A human and social tale. Dany Boon is an exceptional man that I love!

Flashmag: you are a singer and author optionally; can you tell us a little bit more? Writing and singing do they participate to assure you as a true woman of the arts?

Nadège Beauson Diagne:I grew up studying dance, singing, music and theater. All this is very natural for me I need all these art to express myself. And now I realize myself more into writing and singing. Singing and writing is like living for me!

Flashmag:we like to say that "a life without cause is a life without effect" is Nadège Beausson Diagne a committed artist? How would she like to help build a better world?

Nadège Beauson Diagne:Every day I try to be faithful to my ethics and my political opinions .this may involve little things of life, but it’s especially in my work that I'll finally express my ideas. I am a free black woman, an artist, every day I live I fights because nothing is given to me easily in this life! But you know what? My middle name is Angela in reference to Angela Davis! Can you imagine!

Flashmag:From the point of view, what influence has your love life to your career are there compatibility? Generally those who crack for you, many are your admirers. Do you think that what appealed to the public woman you are, without artifice or woman you are in private, would you prefer that we love you because you are famous and wealthy and then as a woman while short? Is it easy to separate from each other?

Nadège Beauson Diagne:I do not know if I have something special, I'm full! I claim it! And I will not let people walk all over me! I would like some women stop playing the "little things" in view to get what they want! They must keep their Head up, always!

Flashmag: a word about your current projects and future, including this year's drama "Lady Oscar"; On television "Plus belle la vie" (role of police captain Sara Douala) and in the Wide Screen "Nothing to Declare" by Dany Boon?

Nadège Beauson Diagne: beside all this. I ‘am currently working in the theater


and I write my first novel, I'm working on my first album, a short program in sum, I will make my first short film and I write my first feature film. And then I try to sleep also ah ah ah! (Smiles)

Flashmag:to close a special mention to your many fans and readers of Flashmag?

Nadège Beauson Diagne:I thank you for your support, and of course do not let anyone stop you from going after your dreams! I kiss you hard!

Nadège Beausson Diagne, Flashmag sincerely thank you for the time you took to answer the questions you were asked.

Interview realized by Hubert Marlin Jr.

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